Celebrate the birth of The Ornament of the Worshippers, Imam Zain al Abideen by reflecting on the power of dua! Read these sections from one of our favourite books, Meet the Masumeen! Answer the questions and make colourful dua cards to stick around your house!
Imam Sajjad and the Power of Dua – Shaban Celebration
All the children started smiling and looked at the royal blue book with gold writing. Was this the book Mrs. Huda was talking about? Together, with excitement, they exclaimed: Saheefa as-Sajjadiyya!!
“That is exactly right! The book has du’as for everything ranging from when you are sick,to when you are in fear, to when you are in some difficulty.” “There’s also du’as for everyday of the week, prayers for parents, neighbours, among somany other things!”
Ammar added. “You are very right Ammar,” said Mrs. Hudda,looking at her watch. “It is almost time to get back to the classroom” Mrs. Hudda told theclass. They noticed the Saheefa shining and put their hands on the book. As they said“LABAYK YA IMAM,” they were all zapped back into the classroom.They formed their halaqa and started to discuss what they had learnt. The children took out their notebooks and started writing down the facts about the Imam that Mrs. Huddahad on the board.
Find out what more about the fourth Imam and the other Masumeen by ordering your copy of Meet The Masumeen today – AVAILABLE HERE
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