Before anybody could answer, the children heard footsteps and diverted their attention to a man wearing dirty, worn out clothes, crying out to
anybody who would listen, “I’m hungry…look at what I’m wearing. Somebody please listen to me, please help me.”
The poor man was begging door to door, pleading for help. Was anybody going to help him, the children wondered sadly. As the man approached one particular house, Mrs. Hudda told the children that that was no ordinary house, but the house of the Lady of Light, Lady Fatema.
Eager to get a peek, the children tried to get closer to the house. As they did, they saw the door of the house closing and the poor man walking away with a smile on his face and a beautiful necklace in his hand.
“Lady Fatema…” the poor man thought out aloud, “I have heard that she does not turn anybody nobody away empty-handed and it is true. Look at this necklace! I can sell it to buy food and clothes for myself.”
Mrs. Hudda, seeing the joy in the kids, instructed them to follow the beggar. The kids followed the beggar inquisitively.
Find out what happens to the beggar and introduce your children to the blessed family of the Prophet (as) by ordering your copy of Meet The Masumeen today – AVAILABLE HERE
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