Guided Discussion: (Here children are encouraged to look through the verses and contribute their thoughts to the discussion. Below are some points for discussion, not the meaning of the verses as this is left to experts)
• Verse 41: Parable of the spider
o Discussion of the parable and what we can learn from it
• Verse 45: Recite that which has been revealed unto thee of the Book, and perform the prayer. Truly prayer prevents against indecency and abomination, but the remembrance of God is surely greater. And God knows whatsoever you do.
o What do you think is the connection between prayer and not committing indecent actions? (Prayer prevents sins in that it purifies the heart, a function alluded to when the Prophet asked his Companions, “Tell me, if one of you had a river at his door in which he washed five times a day, would any of his filth remain?” To which the people replied, “Nothing of his filth would remain.” He said, “That is a likeness of the five prayers. God obliterates sins with them”
o Some have related the recitation of the Qur’an with the prevention of committing sins – why?
• Verse 47: none reject Our signs, save the disbelievers. Verse 49: none reject Our signs, save the wrongdoers.
o Reminder about signs
o why would disbelief make you reject signs?
o Why would wrongdoing make you reject signs?
• Verse 55 “Taste that which you used to do!” Verse 57: Every soul shall taste death. Then unto Us shall you be returned.
o Why do you think taste is used here?
o Link to preparation for death by worshipping Allah
• Verse 60: And how many a beast bears not its own provision, yet God provides for it and for you? And He is the Hearing, the Knowing.
o The manner in which animals trust Allah for their provision is a lesson for us
o In this context, that God is the Hearing, the Knowing serves as a reminder that God is aware of and provides for the needs of all things. It can also be understood to mean that He hears believers when they make supplication and knows their needs when they are silent
• Verse 64 reminds us of the need to focus on the hereafter
o What are our goals for the next year based on the hereafter?
• Verse 65: And when they board a ship, they call upon God, devoting religion entirely to Him, but when He delivers them to land, behold, they ascribe partners [unto Him].
o Allah is our protector on and off the ship.
o In the month of Ramadhan we spend extra time praying and fasting and reading the Qur’an. Especially on the nights of Qadr when our fate is being decided. What about outside the month? What can we do to make sure that we keep up what we have learnt?
• Verse 69 But as for those who strive for Us, We shall surely guide them in Our ways. Truly God is with the virtuous.
o Reminder about the link between striving and guidance
o What does it mean to say that God is “with” the virtuous?
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