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  • Qur'an Tabs are a great way to personalise your copy of My Qur'an Study Journal. (AVAILABLE HERE) We have created these tabs based on the verses mentioned in Shaykh Bahmanpour's book Imam Mahdi - His Position and His Mission (AVAILABLE HERE). How to Use the Qur'an Tabs
    1. Order your specially printed sticker tabs
    2. Download the list of verses and page numbers HERE
    3. Find the page which discusses the verse in the book Imam Mahdi - His Position and His Mission.
    4. Read and reflect on the verse
    5. Find the verse in My Qur'an Study Journal and journal your thoughts and reflections.
    6. Stick the tabs into your Qur'an
    OR DOWNLOAD FOR FREE HERE: Qur'an Tabs for Imam Mahdi His Position and His Mission      
  • The Divine Names

    This beautiful coffee-table book is a must have for every Muslim household. Connect to The Divine Names of God through Taher Adel's stunning poetry and lose yourself in Aadil Abedi's mesmerising artwork. ALL PROCEEDS GO TO THE ZAHRA TRUST Here is what our friends had to say about the book: “A spiritual journey of poetic meaning. Taher Adel has created a thoughtful meditation on the meaning of Allah’s names with beautiful illustrations. It is my new companion in times of quiet contemplation.” - Sheikha Bodour Al Qasimi, Publisher and President of the American University of Sharjah “Through the beautiful synergy of Taher Adel’s poetry and Aadil Abedi’s calligraphy, this short book is a mesmerizing tribute to the Divine Names of Allah. Each page is a work of art that illuminates the heart and inspires the soul.” - The Muslim Vibe “A truly thoughtful creative exploration that serves as a beautiful reminder of the wonders of Allah swt through his glorious names, and an inspiring visual and poetic conversation between two incredible artists, that takes you on a spiritual reflective journey.” - Bayt Alfann “Poetry that excels in describing the divine” - Hashim Y.A. (Poet) “Every verse is a soul sooth journey into the infinity of divine love. Powerful beyond measure!” - Mohammad Taher (@Mo_t_ivate), Motivational speaker “A devotional page turner transporting you to a different world”- Dr Milad Hilli, Health Practitioner “This scintillating stream of intimate, personal and profound reflections on the Beautiful Names is a delicacy-rich feast for the eyes and ears of the heart.” - Sheikh Luqman Ali, Co-founder Khayaal Theatre “Taher’s words grant us a unique glimpse into the infinite ocean of God’s Divine attributes, transcending mere words, these beautiful poetic renditions invite us to fathom the unfathomable, and perceive the imperceptible.” - Dr Bilal Hassam, Director of The Muslim Agency and Founder of Muslimplicity “We are called to be God-conscious. As Muslims, His ninety-nine beautiful names are a means to that end. Adel and Abedi have provided us with reflections on each title, which we often see - on our walls and decorated in mosques - but rarely ponder.” - Shargzadeh, translator and teacher of Persian Poetry, founder of Persian Poetics “This is a remarkable book that shares the beauty of God’s names in ways pleasing to the heart and to the eyes. This is a beautiful book to take into your solitude to help make a space for your Creator.” -Rabbi Lee Weissman, Jewish Educator and also known as the Jihadi Jew “A beautiful and imaginative collaboration that inspires deeper reflection and contemplation.” -Mona Haydar (Poet)  
  • Imam Mahdi is the inheritor of the deep knowledge of the Holy Prophet. He is the proof of God and His voice among people. He is truthful and precise in everything. He possesses hukm, a divine mandate, and knowledge of the Names. His presence is necessary to uphold the divine connection between the realm of this world and higher worlds without which the purpose of the creation of humanity—which is to be guided towards perfection by God—would vanish. When he returns, his mission will be to fill the world with justice after it has been filled with oppression. By exploring verses of the Qur’an and the hadith corpus, this book seeks to understand each of these spiritual positions and how Imam Mahdi will accomplish his mission. Would you like to personalise your copy of My Qur'an Study Journal with Qur'an tabs based on Imam Mahdi - His Position and His Mission? CLICK HERE
  • The Chosen Names

    The Chosen Names is a poetic exploration of sixteen unassailable personalities from the Household of Mohammed (saw), from the Prophet himself to the awaited Saviour. It is an etymological deep dive into the virtues and divine characteristics of a progeny that is like no other in human history. Cover art by Ruby Jaffery “A breath-taking compilation of poems celebrating the lives of God’s most beloved servants. Each sonnet of this book makes the heart yearn to be in the presence of the Prophet and his immaculate family!” Shaykh Azhar Nasser, author and lecturer “Such a beautiful and emotive piece of work! I love how Taher Adel delves deep into the root meaning and essential attributes of that name.” Nazmina Dhanji, author and founder of Arabiq Online “The combination of profound linguistics and knowledge enlaced in succinct poetry, makes a beautiful and compelling read.” Saarah Bokhari, author and mentor These are, quite simply, some of the most beautiful reflections I have read on the precious names of the ahl al-bayt.” – Father Christopher Clohessy, author and lecturer “A triumph of literature. You have never read about the Holy Household like this.”  - Nouri Sardar, author and poet  
  • My Qur’an Study Journal

    When a relationship with the Qur’ān is fostered, it is a companion such that a person doesn’t feel lonely as long as they have the Qur’ān. Doesn’t feel needy, as with the Qur’ān there is no poverty. Is satisfied, as nobody has been given more than the treasure of the Qur’ān. Is continually cured from their spiritual ailments and so doesn’t feel spiritually sick. Is enlivened by its freshness, as there are multiple layers to its message and so is engaged. Finds it to be multifaceted and so appreciates its nuances and complexities and is occupied with studying and repeating it. The more they reflect on the Qur’ān the vaster the meanings they find in it. They live life with the Qur’ān as their anchor. They find vision of the Prophet (saw) and the Infallibles (as) through the lens of the Qur’ān. They act according to it and so can look forward to a beautiful reward with Allah as their lives are filled with the light of the Qur’ān. The purpose of this Qur’ān journal is to be part of that journey. A space in which you choose how you want to develop. Whether it is noting down important points that you find in the exegetical literature, writing your innermost thoughts and questions, reflecting on Qur’ānic expressions and its choice of words, diagramming verses, or sketching how a verse makes you feel. There are no rules to how you process the guidance of the Qur’ān as each person’s journey with the Qur’ān is individual. Use this journal as your personal development space, and leave its definitive interpretation to the specialists in order to steer clear of interpreting the Qur’ān according to your whims. Interpreting the Qur’ān according to your own opinions is heavily disparaged, while thinking about the verses of the Qur’ān is recommended and indeed essential to progression. The middle line is to think over the verses and how they have been interpreted rather than claiming that your thought is the purport of a verse. Let the verses guide your thought, rather than allowing preconceived notions speak over the Qur’ān. The Qur’ān is the guide and we are the wayfarers. My Qur’ān Study Journal makes use of the translation of the Qur’ān into English by Ali Quli Qara’i. May Allah grant us all a beautiful relationship with the Qur’ān and thank you for letting us be part of your Qur’ānic journey. Dr Zoheir Ali Esmail The Batool (as) Foundation Tehseen Merali Sun Behind The Cloud Publications Would you like to personalise your copy of My Qur'an Study Journal with Qur'an tabs based on Imam Mahdi - His Position and His Mission? CLICK HERE £10 from the sale of every Qur'an Journal will go to Lady Fatemah Trust's Gaza fund. LFT have agreed to match every donation. This means that every time you buy a Qur'an Journal for £30, £20 goes to Gaza.
  • SYNOPSIS Surah al-Baqarah is the longest chapter in the Quran. The 286 verses cover a vast range of topics: from legislative rulings, such as the laws of inheritance, divorce, gambling, wine and usury; to stories of the past prophets including Adam, Abraham, Jacob, Moses and Jesus. The surah grapples with theological issues such as the oneness of God, entry into Heaven, the process of guidance and the concept of Imamate. By explaining the context of revelation, Understanding Surah al-Baqarah seeks to draw important lessons and explore a wide variety of subjects that are of significant relevance to contemporary Muslims. The book discusses fascinating concepts such as male-dominated interpretations of the Quran, gender relations, the need to prefer the spirit of the law, religious pluralism, Muslim sectarianism, anthropomorphic interpretations of the Quran, and the role of free will and determinism in the way God guides his creation.   How did a cow solve a murder? What happened when Iblis refused to prostrate to Adam? Why and how did the direction of prayer change? Can people still go to heaven after abandoning Islam? How does a person lose their faith? How can tyrants be topped by great faith? Find out the answers and much more. This book promises to be a guide for all those seeking to understand Surah al-Baqarah!
  • SYNOPSIS "Seeking knowledge is like swimming in an ocean. It takes time to master the waves and to find your stroke. At the same time, you will not be able to cross the whole ocean and examine all of its wonders. But when you find pearls, know that this was the purpose of learning how to swim." In this short treatise the meaning of true knowledge will be explained as well as important advises for the seekers of knowledge to help them on their journey. Advice taken from what is in the scriptural sources, the books of those who have written about this subject before me and from my own experience as a seeker of true knowledge and wisdom. Published in conjunction with Al-Batool (as) Foundation. Download the ebook: For the Seekers of Knowledge Also available from Amazon and iBookstore. Simply search your device for "For the Seekers of Knowledge" by Shaykh Zoheir Ali Esmail      
  • SYNOPSIS We live in a highly sensory, digitised world, saturated with all the advantages of scientific and material advancement. Naturally, we live healthier, longer and more comfortable lives than ever before.   Our overflowing cup, however, is not without a drop of bitterness. Sometimes, our lives spiral into circular discontent. In the unrelenting pursuit of materialistic objectives, we may be left with a gnawing sense of loss deep within. This collection of poems seeks to express an inner conversation that resonates in the relatability of the dilemmas, aspirations, hopes and fears explored. They probe our quintessentially human longing to reach the deeper truth and objectives of this journey of endless possibility that we call life. For the poetry lover and the complete novice - these poems will inspire young and old alike!
  • 50 Qur’anic Comforts for Mums

    SYNOPSIS Not another parenting book! This book draws on the comforting words of the Creator in the Qur’an and offers a way to focus your heart and mind to what the day brings. 50 Qur’anic Comforts is tailored precisely for busy parents who often have no time to read the paper or their Twitter feeds, let alone a whole book! It is for you to keep by your bedside to dip into for daily inspiration and support, offering a different perspective or just some food for thought when you need it most. So whether you are juggling a career, kids’ schedules or an endless pile of housework, you can carve out a few quiet moments to rejuvenate your spirit.
  • SYNOPSIS Allama Amini is most famous for his research project al-Ghadir which offers an in-depth analysis of the appointment of Imam Ali at Ghadir Khumm and the series of events that followed. Born in Tabriz in 1902, Allama Abd al-Husayn Amini developed a passion for knowledge from a young age under the tutelage of his father. At aged 14 years, he moved to Najaf to pursue his studies further. There, he benefitted from some of the greatest scholars of his time. Dr. Fakhr-Rohani’s biography is the first of its kind written in English. It describes Allama’s early influences, analyses the research methods used in al- Ghadir, and relates anecdotes from those closest to him, thus uncovering the secrets behind Allama Amini’s devotion to the truth.
  • SYNOPSIS The Illuminating Lantern is a commentary of the 30th part of the Holy Qur'an, compiled specifically to shed light on the verses that we often recite. Through its clear format and focus on practical advice, this book aims to encourage us to ponder over the verses in a way that brings about self-development and a closer connection to Allah (swt). This second edition also includes an index of terms as well as the surahs in Arabic and English.
  • SYNOPSIS Lady Umm Kulthum (s) was the fourth child born to Imam Ali (a) and Lady Fatima (s). She spent her life serving seven Infallibles, and witnessed crucial moments that changed the landscape of Islam forever: from her mother’s sermon about Fadak, to the terrible calamities on the plains of Kerbala. Despite this, her name has been mentioned only occasionally in the books of history. Controversies over her existence and marriage to the second caliph, Umar al-Khattab, have overshadowed discussions on her noble characteristics, and the crucial role she played in the unfolding of Islamic History. From the libraries of Damascus to Beirut, Shaykh Jaffer Ladak has spent two years investigating and evaluating historical resources and scholarly opinions, to piece together what is known about her life. The Hidden Treasure is her first published biography. It seeks to address these issues and restore Lady Umm Kulthum (s) to her rightful place in the hearts of those who love the Ahlul Bayt (a).
  • 101 Ways to Concentrate in Prayer

    SYNOPSIS Prayer can teach you how to eliminate pride, live a life of inner courage and take you many steps closer to Allah (swt). It can transport you to a higher plane, and make you become aware of a place deep inside you that is absolutely silent and still. However, all this can only be achieved with the presence of the heart and mind during prayer. Discover 101 ways to achieve the most out of your prayer. Pick and choose the strategies you want to apply, from learning the philosophy behind the movements in ruku' and sujood, to breathing and meditation techniques. 101 Ways to Concentrate in Prayer reveals the secrets and skills to take the first step in the journey towards the Almighty (swt).
  • SYNOPSIS Comme ce serait magni_ que si nous, en tant que familles, pouvions apprendre au moins certains des versets du Saint Qour’an et les appliquer dans les situations quotidiennes. Cela constituerait une grande étape pour aider nos enfants à comprendre le Livre Saint et appliquer ses enseignements moraux ; exactement ce pourquoi le Qour’an est fait. Dans cette série de petites histoires, rencontrez une famille musulmane qui essaye exactement de faire cela. Suivez les aventures de Maryam (3 ans), Mouhammad (6 ans) et Fatima (8 ans) alors qu’ils essayent de faire tout leur possible pour apprendre et appliquer de simples mais e_ caces Versets Coraniques dans leur vie quotidienne. Appréciez de belles illustrations en couleur par un graphiste ayant reçu un prix artistique et servez-vous des conseils et jeux proposés pour enseigner à vos enfants à propos du Qour’an.
  • Understanding Surah Yasin

    SYNOPSIS "Ya Sin is the heart of the Qur'an, no worshipper would recite it for the sake of God and seeking the Final Abode, unless all their sins are forgiven. So recite it over your deceased ones." Prophet Muhammad This book contains Surah Yasin in Arabic and English and a verse by verse commentary of the surah by world renowed scholar Shaykh Muhammad Saeed Bahmanpour.
  • SYNOPSIS Lorsque le méchant Shargor capture Princesse Siyana alors qu’elle est bébé et l’abandonne dans une terre déserte, il pense que son rêve s’est réalisé et qu’il pourra diriger le Royaume de Lusitania pour toujours. Mais, alors que la belle princesse talentueuse grandit dans l’orphelinat El Sol à Baetica, sa connexion profonde avec Dieu se renforce grâce à chacune des lettres qu’elle écrit avec son stylo spécial. Il semble que Siyana ne se rend pas compte de sa vraie raison d’être jusqu’au jour de la tornade... Accompagne Siyana dans son voyage épique de retour chez elle, tandis qu’elle apprend à placer sa confiance et sa foi uniquement en Dieu!
  • SYNOPSIS A complete collection of Imam al- Husayn’s discourses, both oral and written, from his first conversation with al-Walid b. ‘Utba, the governor of Medina and Marwan b. al-Hakam, to the last words to leave his blessed lips of the day of Ashura. Find out the truth of Imam al- Husayn’s mission in his own words With the original Arabic text, colour maps of Imam al-Husayn’s journey and a commentary on each discourse.


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