SYNOPSIS Lady Umm Kulthum (s) was the fourth child born to Imam Ali (a) and Lady Fatima (s). She spent her life serving seven Infallibles, and witnessed crucial moments that changed the landscape of Islam forever: from her mother’s sermon about Fadak, to the terrible calamities on the plains of Kerbala. Despite this, her name has been mentioned only occasionally in the books of history. Controversies over her existence and marriage to the second caliph, Umar al-Khattab, have overshadowed discussions on her noble characteristics, and the crucial role she played in the unfolding of Islamic History. From the libraries of Damascus to Beirut, Shaykh Jaffer Ladak has spent two years investigating and evaluating historical resources and scholarly opinions, to piece together what is known about her life. The Hidden Treasure is her first published biography. It seeks to address these issues and restore Lady Umm Kulthum (s) to her rightful place in the hearts of those who love the Ahlul Bayt (a).