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  • Qur'an Tabs are a great way to personalise your copy of My Qur'an Study Journal. (AVAILABLE HERE) We have created these tabs based on the verses mentioned in Shaykh Bahmanpour's book Imam Mahdi - His Position and His Mission (AVAILABLE HERE). How to Use the Qur'an Tabs
    1. Order your specially printed sticker tabs
    2. Download the list of verses and page numbers HERE
    3. Find the page which discusses the verse in the book Imam Mahdi - His Position and His Mission.
    4. Read and reflect on the verse
    5. Find the verse in My Qur'an Study Journal and journal your thoughts and reflections.
    6. Stick the tabs into your Qur'an
    OR DOWNLOAD FOR FREE HERE: Qur'an Tabs for Imam Mahdi His Position and His Mission      
  • Imam Mahdi is the inheritor of the deep knowledge of the Holy Prophet. He is the proof of God and His voice among people. He is truthful and precise in everything. He possesses hukm, a divine mandate, and knowledge of the Names. His presence is necessary to uphold the divine connection between the realm of this world and higher worlds without which the purpose of the creation of humanity—which is to be guided towards perfection by God—would vanish. When he returns, his mission will be to fill the world with justice after it has been filled with oppression. By exploring verses of the Qur’an and the hadith corpus, this book seeks to understand each of these spiritual positions and how Imam Mahdi will accomplish his mission. Would you like to personalise your copy of My Qur'an Study Journal with Qur'an tabs based on Imam Mahdi - His Position and His Mission? CLICK HERE
  • SYNOPSIS "Seeking knowledge is like swimming in an ocean. It takes time to master the waves and to find your stroke. At the same time, you will not be able to cross the whole ocean and examine all of its wonders. But when you find pearls, know that this was the purpose of learning how to swim." In this short treatise the meaning of true knowledge will be explained as well as important advises for the seekers of knowledge to help them on their journey. Advice taken from what is in the scriptural sources, the books of those who have written about this subject before me and from my own experience as a seeker of true knowledge and wisdom. Published in conjunction with Al-Batool (as) Foundation. Download the ebook: For the Seekers of Knowledge Also available from Amazon and iBookstore. Simply search your device for "For the Seekers of Knowledge" by Shaykh Zoheir Ali Esmail      
  • 101 Ways to Concentrate in Prayer

    SYNOPSIS Prayer can teach you how to eliminate pride, live a life of inner courage and take you many steps closer to Allah (swt). It can transport you to a higher plane, and make you become aware of a place deep inside you that is absolutely silent and still. However, all this can only be achieved with the presence of the heart and mind during prayer. Discover 101 ways to achieve the most out of your prayer. Pick and choose the strategies you want to apply, from learning the philosophy behind the movements in ruku' and sujood, to breathing and meditation techniques. 101 Ways to Concentrate in Prayer reveals the secrets and skills to take the first step in the journey towards the Almighty (swt).


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