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  • SYNOPSIS Comme ce serait magni_ que si nous, en tant que familles, pouvions apprendre au moins certains des versets du Saint Qour’an et les appliquer dans les situations quotidiennes. Cela constituerait une grande étape pour aider nos enfants à comprendre le Livre Saint et appliquer ses enseignements moraux ; exactement ce pourquoi le Qour’an est fait. Dans cette série de petites histoires, rencontrez une famille musulmane qui essaye exactement de faire cela. Suivez les aventures de Maryam (3 ans), Mouhammad (6 ans) et Fatima (8 ans) alors qu’ils essayent de faire tout leur possible pour apprendre et appliquer de simples mais e_ caces Versets Coraniques dans leur vie quotidienne. Appréciez de belles illustrations en couleur par un graphiste ayant reçu un prix artistique et servez-vous des conseils et jeux proposés pour enseigner à vos enfants à propos du Qour’an.
  • Adventures of a Qur’anic Family

    SYNOPSIS How great would it be if we, as families, could learn at least some of the verses from the Holy Qur'an and apply them in our daily situations. This would be a big step in helping our children to understand the Holy Book and apply its teachings in their lives, thus utilising the Qur'an for what it is meant for. In this series of short stories, meet a Muslim family who try to do exactly that. Follow the adventures of Maryam (3 years), Muhammad (6 years) and Fatima (8 years) as they try their best to learn and apply simple but effective Qur'anic verses in their daily lives. The book also includes lots of tips and innovative ideas to teach your children more about the Holy Book.
  • 50 Qur’anic Comforts for Mums

    SYNOPSIS Not another parenting book! This book draws on the comforting words of the Creator in the Qur’an and offers a way to focus your heart and mind to what the day brings. 50 Qur’anic Comforts is tailored precisely for busy parents who often have no time to read the paper or their Twitter feeds, let alone a whole book! It is for you to keep by your bedside to dip into for daily inspiration and support, offering a different perspective or just some food for thought when you need it most. So whether you are juggling a career, kids’ schedules or an endless pile of housework, you can carve out a few quiet moments to rejuvenate your spirit.


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