SYNOPSIS "Seeking knowledge is like swimming in an ocean. It takes time to master the waves and to find your stroke. At the same time, you will not be able to cross the whole ocean and examine all of its wonders. But when you find pearls, know that this was the purpose of learning how to swim." In this short treatise the meaning of true knowledge will be explained as well as important advises for the seekers of knowledge to help them on their journey. Advice taken from what is in the scriptural sources, the books of those who have written about this subject before me and from my own experience as a seeker of true knowledge and wisdom. Published in conjunction with Al-Batool (as) Foundation. Download the ebook: For the Seekers of Knowledge Also available from Amazon and iBookstore. Simply search your device for "For the Seekers of Knowledge" by Shaykh Zoheir Ali Esmail